Why Us?

Why You Might Not Want To Use Hanley & Co

You already have an accountant

If you are happy with the service you are receiving we are delighted for you. However, if you feel that you would like to take advantage of all the additional Free services we offer (in particular, our superb Kashflow System and all year-round access to our experienced partner Dean Logan), we would appreciate a chance to introduce ourselves.

Changing accountants is very easy process, and only requires a letter from us to your existing accountant. Assuming you have no outstanding fees to pay them, the cost of changing is totally free. You should not be charged for the handover of information.

You are concerned about our fees

This is totally understandable. You can see we can provide many additional services which you are perhaps not currently enjoying and your first thought is “hold on, how much extra will this cost me?” The answer is nothing, and there are no additional costs to the price quoted for all usual annual work. If you provide us with extra work, we may charge additional fees, but these will be agreed with you beforehand. You will not receive any unexpected bills from us.

You are sceptical as to whether we can deliver all we promise

As you know, us accountants are a conservative bunch! So, you can rest assured we would not offer you our 100% risk free satisfaction guarantee if we were not totally confident of the service we offer. Perhaps a glance at some of our client testimonials will give you some comfort. We are pretty sure they had similar reservations when they joined us, many of them 20 years ago!

“I’ve just had my accounts done…

…And I will not be talking to my accountant till next year”. Ouch! We cannot stress enough the need for strategic planning and advice from your accountant on an ongoing basis, all year round. If you only see or talk to your accountant once a year you may be missing out. Our clients enjoy our proactive approach and most will telephone us before making any major financial or business decisions, including if they run into financial difficulties. We are in this venture ‘with you’ for the long haul, whether you are on the up, or struggling. We consider ourselves an extension of your workforce; here for you to call on anytime.

You are worried the taxman will think you are changing accountants signifies a problem

After over twenty five years in practice, we have never had a client investigated due to a changeover. We have, on occasion though, heard a sigh of relief from the odd Tax Inspector! Hanley & Co work hard to maintain good, professional relations with the authorities, and we enjoy an effective working relationship with them.

You’re too busy

It just takes a phone call or a brief e-mail and we will do the rest. We will contact you, promptly, and ‘set the ball rolling’ with just a chat and a Free no obligation initial consultation.

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